Putting People First (Chad Merrill)
Jul 13, 2023
On today’s episode of The Dugout CEO, we are joined by Chad Merrill, an Entrepreneur, Investor, Connector, and the Chairman of Impact 2:52 and Partner at Garden City Companies. In this conversation, we delve into the importance of living deliberately and creating a plan for giving back. Athletes, CEOs, and individuals from various walks of life can embrace intentionality to lead meaningful lives.
Join us on this exciting episode!
- Values instilled through Little League (teamwork, perseverance, sportsmanship)
- Translating baseball skills to the business world
- Decision-making and leadership influenced by baseball background
- Thriving under pressure in baseball and business
- Continuous improvement and passion for personal growth
Connect with Chad Merrill: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chad-merrill-bb17132/
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Follow Casey on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/caseycavell/