Friday Focus #036 - Superstars vs Role Players
Feb 16, 2024
Read Time: 90 Seconds
High-capacity leaders, like entrepreneurs, athletes, & coaches, often expect others to match their pace and commitment.
Superstar athletes like "Dansby Swanson" or "Kirk Cousins" possess the unique skills, drive, and vision. But only some people are Dansby or Kirk; every organization needs superstars and consistent role players.
Embrace Challenge and Support
While you wish you had more superstars, the fact is, not everyone will be, and you must be sure you are giving the rest of your team what they need to succeed. Teams, not players, win championships.
Critical Questions to ask your entire team
- How are you doing?
- How can I make this a better workplace/team for you?
- What do you need to improve your performance & reach your fullest potential?
Empower your team for remarkable outcomes and a flourishing culture.
Stay Focused,